Amite River Diversion Canal Modification

This project in Ascension and Livingston Parishes, Louisiana was designed to improve wetlands hydrology and ecosystem health in the western Maurepas Swamp.  A berm on the Amite River had modified the natural hydrology of the swamp, leading to reduced germination and survival of bald cypress and other swamp tree species, restriction of nutrient inputs into the swamp, subsidence, and conversion of wetlands to open water. Left unmodified the canal berm was projected to cause conversion of 18,204 acres of swamp to fresh marsh and open water, reducing nutrient availability, altering ecosystem services from wetlands, and degrading wildlife and fishery values of this system.

Proposed work included:

  • Re-establish hydrologic connectivity
  • 1,602 acres of swamp habitat restoration
  • 5.0 acres of bottomland hardwood forest habitat restoration

In order to:

  • Promote germination and survival of the seedlings of bald cypress and other trees
  • Improve biological productivity

Cypress was part of the  LCA 6 programmatic team for this project.  Estimated cost for construction of this project was $8,540,000.