Louisiana Coastal Area 6 Restoration Program
Cypress was responsible for providing restoration program support to the US Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans District (USACE MVN) for the Louisiana Coastal Area (LCA) Program for the group of LCA 6 projects. These projects covered a diverse array of large-scale ecosystem restoration techniques such as river diversions, barrier island renourishment, marsh creation, and restoring hydrologic connectivity.
Cypress personnel were responsible for providing planning program support to draft a Summary Report required by the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 2007 which authorized the 6 projects. USACE MVN had not previously undertaken an effort to summarize the findings and content of an integrated feasibility study and NEPA documentation; therefore the initial effort required drafting a document to address the needs of ER-1105-2-100 at a summary level and obtain approval for the template. The Summary Report provided a complete overview of the combined feasibility study and NEPA documents.
Cypress personnel interfaced with many different groups including report authors (6 different companies), the state and federal agencies who contracted the work, internal subcontractors who provided key policy-level and additional editorial review at strategic points, as well as multiple junior-level engineers and scientists. All six reports were completed and undergoing reviews simultaneously resulting in extensive coordination efforts and extensive QA/QC review to ensure the report was well-written and contained the most accurate and up-to-date information from the respective project teams.
This project was done in partnership with Malcolm Pirnie/Arcadis.